Downtown Raleigh is the cultural hub of the region and the heart of North Carolina’s state capital. Downtown has an opportunity to be a place where this diverse and innovative community and state are celebrated through more consistent public art and activations that lean into this culture and occur on a more frequent basis. Additionally, by tenanting downtown’s storefronts with North Carolina-based businesses, a visitor can have a consistent experience in terms of placemaking, attractions and storefront businesses that celebrates downtown as the best of North Carolina.

North Carolina’s Main Street
Embracing Downtown Raleigh as the state capital and celebrating our shared heritage provides an opportunity for enhancing our retail and tenanting strategy to attract new storefronts and additional investment. Reimagining Fayetteville Street as a linear park and connecting the cultural institutions in our downtown core provides a template for “North Carolina’s Main Street” to stitch our core together with nearby, emerging districts.
With placemaking, wayfinding, public art and event programming, we can celebrate our unique cultural identity and distinguish what sets Raleigh apart. Integrating enhanced public places will greatly improve the experience for residents and visitors to our downtown core.
Events and programming help to enliven our urban spaces, create activity and excitement for residents, and inspire visitors to experience downtown Raleigh, building demand and momentum for future growth in our market.

Redesigning City Plaza as Raleigh’s front porch provides an opportunity to welcome guests to North Carolina’s main street, celebrating Downtown Raleigh’s unique presence as the state’s capital.

Events and programming help to enliven our urban spaces and create activity and excitement to build momentum for future growth in our market.