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Downtown Raleigh Alliance Endorses Wake County Transit Plan

RALEIGH, NC (September 12, 2016) – Wake County and downtown Raleigh continue grow at an unprecedented rate.  According to data published in December 2015, Wake County grows by 63 new residents each day, while downtown is expected to have over 10,000 residents by the end of the decade.  This population boom has highlighted the need for improved transit options throughout the Triangle and downtown Raleigh. Additionally, as more and more companies are looking to relocate in downtown and the region, more transportation options are needed to move a rapidly growing workforce around Wake County. For these reasons and more, the Downtown Raleigh Alliance (DRA) is endorsing the Wake County Transit Plan on the ballot this November.


The DRA’s support for the plan breaks down into four key points:

  • Connectivity: The Wake County Transit Plan connects all communities in Wake County and connects downtown with other parts of city and region, such as Durham and the Research Triangle Park (RTP).
  • Better and New Options: The Wake County Transit Plan provides new and improved transit options, such as more frequent bus service, four Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) lines, and commuter rail. With downtown's rapidly growing population, employee base and millions of visitors, more options are needed to access downtown and various parts of the region.
  • Attainable: The Wake County Transit Plan relies on expanding bus service and implementing Bus Rapid Transit and commuter rail, which are much more affordable than light rail or heavy rail subway systems. Also, the entire plan can be completed within 10 years.
  • Economic Development: The future of the Triangle is tied to connecting its economic centers for better access and to move this region's rapidly growing population. Major employers value transit as a benefit for quality of life for their workforce. All major cities in the U.S. are making serious investments in transit options. Passing the Wake County Transit Plan is absolutely critical to this region's future and growth.

“Raleigh has the opportunity to attract several big businesses to its downtown, but improved transit is an absolute must if we want our economic hopes to become a reality,” says DRA President and CEO David Diaz. 

“Over the last few years companies like Red Hat and Citrix have made multi-million dollar investments to stay in downtown Raleigh long-term.  Passing the Wake County Transit Plan with only a half-cent sales tax increase is critical to attract more big businesses willing to make these long-term investments that secure the economic future for not only downtown, but throughout the Triangle as well.”

Small business owners are also behind the plan.

“As the owner of four restaurants, my employees, customers, and peers are counting on an affordable transit plan that they can rely on to get them to and from their destinations in a timely manner,” says 18 Seaboard owner, and DRA Board Chairman Jason Smith, “the implementation of this plan gives them what they need, and can help small businesses like mine realize our growth potential.”

DRA encourages voters to learn more about the plan at and support more transit and opportunity in Wake County on Tuesday, November 8. 




About Downtown Raleigh Alliance (DRA):

DRA is an award-winning nonprofit organization whose mission is to continue the revitalization of Raleigh’s downtown. The Alliance enhances the quality of life and positively impacts the economic success of downtown through six core services:  1. Safety, Hospitality & Clean Ambassadors; 2. Strategic Branding & Community Communications; 3. Events Production; 4. Retail Attraction & Merchant Promotions; 5. Strategic Partnerships & Stakeholder Engagement; and 6. Strategic Planning. For more information about DRA, please visit