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Joyful Inventing: How to Unlock Your Creativity

Category: Events Calendar

Dates and Times for this Past Event



When faced with the blank white page, how do you start? In this class, we will break away from the usual prompts and structures and use writing by hand, drawing, and discussion of how we work with ideas to create a playful and openminded approach to writing new works. This does not mean we will not take writing seriously: rather, we will challenge the idea that “real art” is only made a certain way, and find ways to create new written work with joy and pleasure. Readings will include excerpts from Syllabus by Lynda Barry, Daring Greatly by Brené Brown, and Indestructible by Christy C. Road. This is not a traditional workshop and you will not have to submit anything pre-prepared, but we will write and discuss new work within the class.