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Gluten Free Cooking for the New Year

Category: Events Calendar

Date and Time for this Past Event



It’s time to banish the misconception that gluten allergies or intolerances need to limit your culinary adventures or leave you feeling deprived. At Current Wellness, we believe that everyone deserves the joy of indulging in delicious food, regardless of their dietary restrictions. That’s why we’re excited to invite you to our exclusive all gluten-free cooking class!

In this enriching class, we’re breaking down the barriers that might have held you back in the kitchen. Whether it’s you, a family member, or a dear friend who follows a gluten-free diet, Florence Melin is here to show you that gluten-free cooking can be as flavorful, creative, and satisfying as any other culinary experience.

By the end of our class, you’ll not only have a repertoire of delectable, safe recipes but also newfound confidence in accommodating dietary needs while embracing the pleasures of the kitchen!

Cost: $65 per ticket or $120 for two tickets