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ALL Black Bodies Matter: A Discussion on the Intersection of Blackness and Body Liberation

Category: Events Calendar

Date and Time for this Past Event


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There is no denying that life is hard for Black people. Black folks face messages and systems everyday that attack the beauty and goodness of the Black body. While we may be united in the belief that Black life is precious and needs to be protected, we still have some work to do as it relates to dismantling diet culture and fatphobia as it presents itself in this community. So how will we do that? Body liberation for Black bodies of ALL sizes will shape the path to freedom.
This event will use Sonya Renee Taylor's groundbreaking book The Body is Not an Apology. She writes “in a society that profits from self-doubt, liking yourself is a rebellious act.” We will explore questions like: How much could actually get done if we stop worrying about restricting our bodies and hating our bodies? How might my world change if I accepted my body and thanked my body?

Join us as we host a panel discussion of four Black women sharing about their journeys to body liberation. Our panelists include:

- Andrea Sutton, lead strainer and strength coach at Current Wellness
- Adwoa Asante, lover of food, joyful movement, and a Body Liberation Ambassador at Current Wellness
- Camille Logan, local therapist and enneagram expert
- Moderated by Angela Griffin, yoga instructor at Current Wellness

This event is for ALL who are Black-identifying people who are curious about the unique intersection of Blackness and diet culture.

Cost: Free for members; $10 donation for non-members that supports our Pay-It-Forward Wellness Fund. If the cost is a barrier to you, use the code "FREE" for a free ticket.